Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"Dont pay me"

The Government shutdown of 2013 is still in progress and has shown little to no progress in its first day. Hundreds of thousands of people are out of Government filled jobs and they could be for a substantial amount of time.

Congress woman Ann Wagner posted a picture via her twitter  of a letter she sent to the man in charge of the payroll for congress asking to have her pay revoked for the duration of the shutdown. She also included the #fairnessforall (fairness for all). Let me also point out that she voted for and pushed for a shutdown to help put an end to Obamacare

What a great person right? Witholding her salary because she doesnt think its fair. The only problem is that this would be against the 27th amendment of the Constitution and thus her petiton for getting paid would be thrown out as to not break the constition.

Was it a publicity stunt? Probably. She could have  kept it a secret that she asked for this or she could have donated the money for that time to a charity that could really benefit. Nowadays it seems that many politicans are only trying to look good in the public eye rather than actually creating a positive direction for the US governmet. In my opinon this is one of the main reasons why an agreement could not be made over Obamacare nor many bills in the past.

Ask yourself if this action by Ann Wagner was a publicity stunt or was she genuinely serious? Are actions like these factors that are negatively affecting our

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